
Stop Looking for Agreement: Become a Molder.
Leadership · 15. January 2024
"A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus."- Martin Luther King, JR. The word most important in that phrase is "molder". It is the verb that provides all of the instruction needed and describes what is important in how to "act" and become a leader, how to get people to work together to achieve something better. You lead effectively not by seeking agreement, but rather by molding it.
Leadership · 04. September 2023
There's a huge difference when a driver first "signals" before they venture into your lane. You are aware of the intention in advance and can adjust accordingly. You are able to speed up, slow down, or "block" all while both drivers continue moving forward. Linking to your career, if you are one to offer solutions, opinions or examples outside of your area of expertise, it's nice to "signal first". This common courtesy allows for forward movement in a more collegial and professional manner.

Monday is Here!  Here is your Motivation!
Leadership · 03. July 2023
Monday Motivational Quotes